Touring the world since 2000, Peter Sweet’s performance style combines strong, expressive characters with comedy, circus and live music. His love of the audience, and of creating work that brings his inner world to life for them, has driven him to perform over a thousand shows in more than twenty five countries.
Now touring Foolish Doom - an epic comedy about the climate debate, with masks, puppetry and music!
Featured Performances
Directed by Matteo Destro
Co-Created and Performed by Peter Sweet and Leonie Baker
60 min indoor / 45 min outdoor
The great wizard Burnhart and his loyal creature Pippa come to earth with a lofty ambition: to save the world! When they arrive, they find an epic mess and a cacophony of human voices in conflict with each other.
Foolish Doom is the story of how they experience our world for the first time, from the depths of the jungle to the heart of New York City. They bring their tale to life with an original score performed live with piano, vocals and the wizard’s bombastic percussion wagon.
With a fantastical mix of mask theater, music and puppetry, Foolish Doom enthralls children and adults alike.
Directed by Matteo Destro
Co-Created and Performed by Peter Sweet and David Poznic
Breathing new life into the ancient tradition of masked theater, Peter Sweet and David Poznic portray a troup of 6 characters who put on an entire circus. With impossible skills, live music and heart-touching drama, they tell the story of this hilarious cast of would-be circus stars.
Meet Pete
Created and Performed by Peter Sweet
Meet Pete is a hilarious display of danger, charm and technical virtuosity. Incorporating slack rope acrobatics, juggling, singing and dancing into his show, Pete Sweet weaves together his diverse physical skills with unbridled comedy. While his wild antics have astounded audiences in more than two-dozen countries worldwide, it is his warm, generous humanity and exuberant love of life that opens their hearts.

The Devil and Billy Markham
Created and Performed by Peter Sweet
Original text by Shell Silverstien
The gripping tale of Billy Markham, a blues man who rolls dice with the devil, unfolds in vivid detail. With simple gestures and profound character play Sweet brings the scene to life and sweeps the audience off on a wild ride to hell and back.

The Dusk Beat Circus
Co-Created by Peter Sweet, David Poznic and David Bernbaum
In the early beginnings of his career in contemporary circus, Sweet performed and co-directed a dramatic otherworldly circus show that toured theaters in California from 2002-2003
Career Hightlights
Tete a Tete, Rastadt, Germany
Kleiness Fest, Hanover
, Germany
Comedy Arts Festival, Moers
, Germany
Via Thea, Görlitz
, Germany
Sommer Szene, Saarbrucken
, Germany
Kultursommer, Ludwigshaven, Germany
Gauklerfest, Koblenz, Germany
La Strada, Bremen, Germany
Neues Theater, Frankfurt Hoechst, Germany
Internationales Straßenkulturfest, Nordhorn,

Just for Fun 2007 Darmstadt
, Germany
Viva-Cité 2011 Sotteville les Rouen
, France
Les Accroche Coeurs, Angers, France
Les Zaccros d‘ma rue, Nevers, France

Les Rias, Pays de Quimperlé, France

Fest’Arts, Libourne, France

Parade(s), Nanterre, France

les Rues Joyeuses, Tourcoing, France

Les Éclectiques, Carvin, France

Fete Dans La Ville, Amiens, France

The London City Opera House, London, England
Skirball Center for the Performing Arts, New York, USA
Porsgrunn Int. Theater Festival, Porsgrunn, Norway
Out There Festival, Great Yarmouth, England
Waterford Spraoi, Waterford, Ireland
Festival of fools, Belfast, Ireland
Žongléros Ansámbl, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Waves Festival, Vordingborg, Denmark
Festival de la Juventud 2008 Torrelavega, Spain
ULIKA Int. Street Theatre Festival, Krakow, Poland

Leuven in Scene, Leuven, Netherlands

Bruneck Festival, Bruneck, Italy

World Busker’s Festival, Christchurch, New Zealand
Toronto International Buskerfest, Toronto, Canada
Weiwuying Circus Arts Festival, Kaosiung, Taiwan
Nyepi Festival 2001 Hard Rock Hotel Bali, Indonesia
Rock The Buckets Festival, Sydney, Australia
Da Guan Yuan Theater
, Bejing, China
Artisti Di Strada, Ascona
, Switzerland
Oerol 2006 Terschellings
, Netherlands