Partner Dance
Peter Sweet teaches dance workshops and private lessons that are based on his many years of professional experience in integrated movement, breath work and physical expression. His principles can be applied to any partner dance and he has taught and coached dance teachers and competition dancers, as well as people taking their first steps out onto the floor.
Let's Dance...

Private Lessons
In private sessions we explore your individual movement patterns and how they both help and hinder you on the dance floor. By embracing exactly where you are today, you can step beyond your limitations and find your next level of pleasure and skill. We will focus the session on the topics that are most relevant to your dance today, be it overall integration, partner connection, individual expression, performance skills, musicality etc.
Peter's Partner Dance Approach
With simple tools from the Alexander Technique and Wutao Breathwork, I teach students to move more efficiently, in ways that improve both the health of your movement and your availability to experience and enjoy the act of dancing. I have worked with very experienced dancers who have unlocked new levels in their dance with this simple work. For beginners, it is a clear way to establish the foundation for a long and joyful dancing life.
With this heightened sense of awareness, we bring your attention to the flow and movement of your own breathing. This awareness will help you to feel your partner more clearly and will dramatically increase your ability to both follow and lead. Your breath is a tremendous asset to you. With a bit of attention you can learn to use it to bring rhythmic variation, dynamics and enjoyment into your dancing, while at the same time increasing your connection to your partner and the music.
Using simple and ridiculously fun techniques from physical theater, unlock a huge range of expression in your dance. We will take a close look at our "default" dance postures and see how changing the core pattern affects not only the way we move and connect to our partner, but how we feel, how we groove and the inspiration we find in our dance. We will steal movement from devils and gods and stroll out beyond what used to be the limits of our dance to find new powers of expression, pleasure and fun.
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